Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Mind Game

We are still going strong with Vaping. Of course there are times we both get edgy and want an Analog cig but once we vape, we are satisfied. Smilypurple said to me last week, "it's a mind game really." She couldn't have said it any better.  
"I have found that having support and talking to someone who understands being a smoker to be beneficial in quitting. Talking to Smilypurple every day has helped me a great deal in dealing with some of the withdrawal symptoms because she is experiencing similiar withdrawals. They say that it's the nicotine that the smokers withdraws from and it is probably the truth but I also think that breaking the habits of true smoking is just as hard. Even though we are getting the nicotine in Ecigs, sometimes it is just not the same as smoking. As nasty as smoking smells, I sometimes miss it because I was around it my whole life. And that is where the "mind game" comes in. We have to keep reminding ourselves of the benefits of quitting Analogs. The time of day we smoke can be replaced with Vaping and that does make it easier to quit tobacco cigs." -Smilyblue

Quitting the "real" cigarette and the benefits:

What are the immediate benefits of quitting smoking?
The immediate health benefits of quitting smoking are substantial:
  • Heart rate and blood pressure, which are abnormally high while smoking, begin to return to normal.
  • Within a few hours, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood begins to decline.  (Carbon monoxide reduces the blood’s ability to carry oxygen.)
  • Within a few weeks, people who quit smoking have improved circulation, produce less phlegm, and don’t cough or wheeze as often.
  • Within several months of quitting, people can expect substantial improvements in lung function.
  • In addition, people who quit smoking will have an improved sense of smell, and food will taste better.
As I look at the list above I can tell you that after just 12 days of quitting I noticed some changes. I feel I can breathe deeper, my smell improved greatly and I am coughing up some nasty stuff. All of these things is giving me all the more reason to continue quitting and it's becoming harder to even think about picking up a real cig. I keep reminding myself that there are 4000 chemicals in Analog cigs and 3 in ecigs. I also remind myself of my goal of running a half marathon some day. So the mind game continues...

Smilyblue's smoking Stats:
12 days 
Saved: $54.90
Life gained: 21h 21m
Cigarettes not smoked: 183

Smilypurple's smoking Stats??? Stay tuned...

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