Friday, November 19, 2010


A few days ago I wasn'ts feeling well and for some reason was not liking the taste of my ecigs at all no matter what juice I tried. I even went back to my 510 set up from my Riva which is kind like going backwards. I decided to buy a 510 passthru and got my drip tip out.

I dripped right into the tip but was not liking the juice on my lips. So I found on that taking off the drip tip and dripping juice right onto the atty then replacing the drip tip made a difference. Well, it did in a big way. A much better flavor and a nice vape. The throat hit isn't that bad either and I tried the different combinations of PG and VG.
The thing I am liking about dripping is, I can vape a few "puffs" and put it down for a while. I was vaping a whole lot before on my cart/atty as well as refilling often. I didn't care for the headache from too much nicotine nor feeling the need to vape so much. But now that I have found dripping I am liking vaping much more. I have found that vaping the sweeter and smoother juices are much better then the typical tobacco juices. The one thing I like about vaping tobacco flavors occasionally is that it reminds me of smoking taste (especially purecig from freedomsmokeusa) which in turn keeps me from wanting to light up an analog out of curiosity. But for the most part, I like the sweeter/smoother tasting juices.

I thought for sure that I would never like dripping because of the hassle but now it's totally awesome. I don't need to fill up the carts and waste a lot of juice. I also like the fact that I can only get a few puffs from a drop of juice so I don't feel the need to keep vaping for hours.

Vape on...

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